‘splain, complain, get in your brain…
“If Rembrandt and Freud had a lovechild… “ ~ Henry Lien, Glass Garage Gallery.
“…a Russian Social Realist…” ~ Vivien Raynor, New York Times.
”Thank God Glass has art or society would have a problem on its hands…” ~ Michael Gitlitz, Hirschl and Adler Galleries
Mikel’s concepts dance between the subconscious and the deliberate, a tension that reveals itself in works rich with psychic exploration. He embodies two souls within his practice; believer in the ethos of the Dadaists and Surrealists, in which fear of the obvious propels him to birth ideas from intuitive depths that unlock the doors to his inner condition. As a craftsman, he skillfully manifests these abstractions into tangible objects.
Coming Soon!
What I'm Currently Working on...
Did you know that the average amount of time a person looks at a piece of art for in a gallery is about 4 seconds? I’m working on a series that messes around with that.

artist statement.
Ideally, a picture is worth a thousand words (video, a multiple of that). Artists tell stories in their preferred media, and rely on the viewer to translate the encoded messages into readable text in their own head. For those who believe art is an important documentation of the human condition, this symbiotic relationship affirms our humanity, maintains our diligence, and inspires thought and action.
Those outcomes are more likely achieved not just through an appeal to the viewer’s eye, but to the full array of their senses.“Immersive” is a ubiquitous term nowadays, but early in my journey it was still a novelty, and difficult to achieve with realist painting alone as a medium.
I’ve adopted a more “By Whatever Means Necessary” approach to art making in my attempt to hold a mirror to society, or aim it inwardly upon my psyche. I subscribe to the notion of art as therapy for both its maker and viewer, always optimistic that its powers can make us better people.
Practical Implications
Replace the written didactics with information that could deliver the same content to one or more of the senses not usually engaged when looking at a painting. Make the act of looking at art a fun and engaging activity.