Through art, Mikel works to inspire conversations, spark ideas and challenge perceptions. His work has been featured in various publications, journals and in the press.
artnet news, “The (un)SCENE Art Show Forgets Commerce, Communes with the Art, March 4, 2015
BLOUINARTINFO, “The (un)SCENE Art Show Aims to Temper the Armory Week Scene, March 3, 2015
GOOD, “The Cyborg Who Stole the Armory Show,” March 3, 2015
ARTFORUM, March 11, 2015
The New York Times, “…an Artsy Edge,” March 4, 2015
Chelsea Now, “All’s Fair,” May 2, 2012
The Southhampton Press, “Surrealism Lives On,” November 2010
The Artists Magazine, “Looking Through Glass,” October 2010
Fine Art Connoisseur, “Portraitist and Painter – Meeting in the Middle,” Oct 2010
The Washington Post, …Alternative Reality, April 2, 2010
Forbidden Fruit: A History of Women Reading, Prestel, 2009
Art News, “Machine In The Garden,” September 2009
Vision Magazine, March 2008
New Times, January 31, 2008
Miami Herald, December 6, 2007
Arts and Antiques Magazine, “Face Value,” October 2005
American Artist Magazine, “Mikel Glass: Fearless Painter,” October 2005
The Washington Post, “Different Strokes,” November 26, 2004
Arts and Antiques, “Real Life? Mikel Glass…” September 2003
The Washington Post, ‘Mikel Glass at Century”, November 7, 2002
Arts and Antiques Magazine “Emerging Artist,” 2001
The New York Times “New York Classicism Now,” September 8, 2000
The New York Observer “Not Classicism Now,” July 17, 2000
Arts and Antiques “Emerging Artist,” March 2000
American Artist Magazine “A Realist Coup,” September 1999
American Arts Quarterly “The Paint Group,” Spring 1999
Art Times “The Paint Group,” June 1999
The Boston Globe “Mikel Glass – Recent Paintings,” April 15, 1999
The New York Times “Realist Painters Protest The Whitney,” Sept. 30, 1995
The New York Times “In Kent…” May 14, 1995
Selected Collections
Blue Cross/ Blue Shield
Regis Collection
Premier Collections
Amroc Investments
Ralph Lauren Polo
Dr. Gregory Hedberg
Michael and Rita Gitlitz
Marc and Cathy Lasry
Dennis and Elizabeth Shea
Christiane Inmann
Dutco Group
Michael Huffington
David and Grace Lawson
Stephen and Cecilia Foster
Jide Zeitlin